Theme: ilhm_v2_small


TTB ID: ilhm_v2_small

Description This is a ILHM v2.1 Theme @ 23.02.2013.

Version “small” (1280×1024/800 pixels)
In this version the main content is aligned to right side
Modified by Monter / Marco76 from

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Fixed: update form height and firmware update button size, unified appearance of links, changed the width of the columns of data, removed problem of screen jumping into IE when you hover the mouse over the checkboxes, improved descriptions abound of input fields (eg field TTB ID # in >= v105 by Shibby), unified width of all input fields, new mouseover effects over checkboxes input forms and select boxes with auto change cursor type, add new sweet spin animation, added different colors of tabs in OpenVPN Server/Client sections and a few other minor improvements.

2 thoughts on “Theme: ilhm_v2_small

  1. I am using shibby 106 and I PUT this TBB ID (ilhm_v2_small) the the themename and pressing save
    then I refresh / and even reboots the router but nothing changes (Still my old theme is there)
    Using RT-N16

  2. Router must have a direct connection to the Internet. When you refresh the screen, use CTRL+R (or Ctrl+F5) key combination which suppresses browser cache. After every reboot your preferred skin is downloaded online from TTB server which may cause a slight delay in the appearance of the skin in Tomato.

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