Theme: advanced_v2

Update of V1 which fixes the text flow issues and some light theme readability

TTB ID: advanced_v2_light

TTB ID: advanced_v2_light_noi

TTB ID: advanced_v2_dark

TTB ID: advanced_v2_dark_noi

Description: Theme from forum user theredhood



8 thoughts on “Theme: advanced_v2

    • I guess it was just having trouble with one of my latest 2020.1 installs on a MiPS based 3200. Worked on another router just fine.

  1. Any chance you could fix the issue when viewing bandwidth real time and 24 hour as well as IP traffic tabs?

  2. Almost perfect, but some really odd color choices on the VPN setup tabs. Red background on tabs with blue text? Is this a bug?

  3. I’m new to the tomato firmware world so, what does the _noi mean at the end of a couple of the then names?

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