Theme: advanced_v1

TTB ID: advanced_v1_light

TTB ID: advanced_v1_light_noi

TTB ID: advanced_v1_dark

TTB ID: advanced_v1_dark_noi

Description: Theme from forum user theredhood


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9 thoughts on “Theme: advanced_v1

  1. Nice ive been waiting on this look. I noticed the advanced_v1_light and advanced_v1_dark wont load though. I also tried the advanced_v1_light_noi and loved it except on the device list page the selections under the mac adresses are not visible until mouse over, currently using advanced_v1_dark_noi with no issues, very nice themes, Thanks

  2. The advanced_v1_light and advanced_v1_dark skins aren’t working for me. The zip archive contains the file “custom.css” but I think it’s supposed to contain “advanced_v1_light.css” or “advanced_v1_dark.css”

  3. advanced_v1_light and advanced_v1_dark, both themes have a issue when using On-line from TTB the zip is downloaded to the router but when the file inside it is decompressed it has the name custom.css and as a result the theme style is not applied to solve this you could reupload both themes but changing the name of the css file to its respective theme name?

  4. Please update the download where the file inside the zip is advanced_v1_dark.css and advanced_v1_light.css respectfully.

  5. I have updated the advanced_v1_light and advanced_v1_dark archives, however it still downloads the old version.
    I suspect some caching might be the issue here, please try in a day or so and let me know.

  6. Looks great but unfortunately the dark version looks quite bad 🙁 but great job, if you could update the dark version so it looks more like the light one this skin would be perfect

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