TTB changes the way themes are made. It’s not a big change but there are some rules you must be aware of:
1) all the theme files must be compressed into a zip (Mac archives occasionally create problems we suggest you use windows e.g. 7-ZIP to create the archive)
2) The archive must not contain any root directory = .css directly visible when the archive is opened.
3) the archive must be named after the theme name e.g. mytheme =
4) the .css file within the archive must be called after the theme e.g. mytheme = mytheme.css Example:
5) Theme naming convention [valid from 14/03/2013 and not retrospective]:
- no special characters such as $,%,& or anything you wouldn’t put in a filename
- use lowercase only
- split words with “_” (underscore)
- [mandatory] begin with the theme name.
- [optional] hw specific (if any) e.g. containing logos for asus/cisco/buffalo a.s.o.
- [suggested] release version (positive integers) so v1,v2… but not v1.1
- [optional] attribute – alternative version description (e.g. a colour)
- [optional] attribute – alternative version description (e.g. anything)
you get the picture!
Putting everything together it would be
Finally publish your theme on the tomato forum.
It is suggested that you provide a brief description so that we can fill in the article where the theme is going to be presented and the screenshot/s in png format (of the theme only, no browser/os)
Hi are there any templates to base your theme off or guidelines to creating them?
I would just download any theme and modify it according to your needs
How can I download some of theme Zip files from here? Couldnt find any links to the Zips?
just replace ID to ID`s of theme you want.
motyw linksysa zapewnia luxus